- What are the traffic safety procedures for Serra?
- What is the school attendance policy?
- What are the Serra School behavioral expectations?
- Is there a dress code?
- How can I pay for my child's lunch?
- Is there before or after school care on campus?
What are the traffic safety procedures for Serra?
Traffic Flow & Pick-Up/Drop-Off Rules
Safety is our number one priority. Please partner with us in keeping our students safe.
In Front of School: Drop-Off & Pick-Up Drive Through Lane (right side of parking lot)
• There is only ONE pull through lane. Do not attempt to drive around the cars waiting in line and drop your child off away from the curb.
• Pull up to the curb BEFORE letting your child exit your vehicle. Do not let your children exit the vehicle in the middle of the parking lot near the cones.
• Be sure your child exits your vehicle CURBSIDE, not the parking lot side.
• At pick-up time….if your child is not at the curb waiting for you, you must pull through, out of the lot and loop around until they arrive at the curb; or you may choose to park your vehicle in an open stall or on the street and wait.
• During drop-off, pick-up, and when conducting business in the office, do not park your vehicle in the red zone, in front of the office.
• Do not pull into the left hand side of the parking lot, even if you are “running late”, unless you have a handicapped placard and need to park in the handicapped spot – THIS SIDE IS FOR BUSES ONLY!
On Dudley Avenue: (near Kindergarten Portables)
• Do not attempt to pass/go around a vehicle on the left side.
• Do not park your vehicle in the white drop-off/pick-up area. This is a loading and unloading zone ONLY. Pull up to the curb and have your child exit the vehicle curbside and then pull out.
• Children should never be picked up or dropped off in the middle of the street or waved across as you wait on the other side.
On Swansea Avenue:
• Always pull up to a curb or park your vehicle on the street, before allowing your child to exit the vehicle and walk to the gate.
• Children MUST wear a helmet when riding their bike, scooter or skateboard to/from school. It’s the LAW!
• Be sure to allow plenty of time for your child to arrive at school and lock their bike in the bike rack on Swansea Avenue. The gate to the bike rack closes and locks at 8:00am sharp.
• Practice with your child their walking route and teach them to always use the crosswalk when crossing the street.
• Please do not drop your child off in front of the school prior to 7:30am. There is no supervision.
• Supervision and breakfast in the cafeteria begins at 7:30am.
• Students are not allowed on campus until the bell rings at 7:45am.
• The Kindergarten playground is for Kindergartners ONLY.
• Please be on time picking up your students from school. There is no supervision after school.
Your actions make all the difference when it comes to safety for our students:
• Slow down, be patient, and always allow extra time, especially in rainy weather. “Running late” is not an excuse to not follow the rules.
• Be considerate of our neighbors and do not pull into, park in front of, or otherwise block their driveways.
• Do not stop or park your vehicle in any red zones, or make u-turns in the middle of the street.
Think safety and courtesy, not convenience, and together we can keep our students safe. Thank you for doing your part!
What is the school attendance policy?
The start time at Serra School is 7:55am
All students are expected to arrive at school on time and to attend school daily.
The Principal and Office Staff will monitor absences and follow the School Attendance Review Board (SARB) notification procedures beginning after a total of three unexcused absences and/or tardies of more than 30 minutes. This is in accordance to state law of California.
Letter #1 (Ed Code 48260a) – Notification of Truancy Letter #1 is mailed to the parent/guardian if the pupil is absent from school without valid excuse on three occasions in one school year or tardy or absent for more than any 30 minute period during the school day without a valid excuse on three occasions in one school year, or any combination thereof.
Letter #2 (Ed Code 48261) – Notification of Continuing Truancy Letter #2 is mailed to the parent/guardian if a pupil has been reported as a truant and is again absent from school without valid excuse one or more days, or tardy more than 30 minutes on or more days.
Letter #3 (Ed Code 48262) – Classification as a Habitual Truant Letter #3 is mailed to the parent/guardian to invite them to attend a school attendance review team (SART) meeting when a pupil has been determined to be habitually truant by having been reported as truant more than four times in a school year.
Vacation days taken while school is in session are considered unexcused absences and will contribute to truancy.
All absences must be reported to the office by calling 672-2717 (ext. 3) on the morning of the absence, or emailing jserra.attendance@venturausd.org. When leaving a message, please identify yourself, give your child’s name, the date of the absence and the specific reason for the absence. If you are aware of an upcoming absence, please inform the office and the teacher in advance. All absences must be cleared within five days or they will remain unexcused and will affect your child’s attendance record.
Classroom teachers need a full day’s notice to compile missed homework/class assignments for absent students. Please contact your child’s teacher via email to make your request. Parents may pick up the missed homework in the office after 3:00pm.
The first bell rings at 7:55am. All students are to be lined up on the playground at this time. The tardy bell rings at 8:00am. All students are to be seated for instruction at this time. All students who are tardy must come through the office to check-in and pick up a Tardy Slip.
What are the Serra School behavioral expectations?
Each student is expected to:
1. Interact with teachers, students, staff and parents respectfully.
2. Refrain from any behavior that infringes on the rights of others.
3. Resolve conflicts in a non-threatening, non-physical manner.
4. Follow all classroom rules as well as the general Serra rules.
5. Maintain school property and supplies (books, classroom desk, playground equipment, etc.).
6. Respect the property of others.
7. Follow the Junipero Serra Guidelines for Success.
Junipero Serra Rules:
● Serra students treat all people at school with respect.
● Serra students keep their hands, feet and other objects to themselves.
● Serra students walk quietly in the halls.
● Serra students leave gum, candy, soda and toys at home.
● Serra students come to school on time and prepared to learn.
Positive consequences:
- An educational environment conducive to learning
- Praise
- Positive notes or phone calls home
- School privileges
- Awards
- WOW tickets
- Special recesses or field trips
- Prizes
Negative consequences:
- Loss of time on task and learning opportunities
- Loss of recess
- Parent contact
- Behavior contract
- Suspension
Is there a dress code?
Junipero Serra students, staff and parents work toegether to promote a campus climate that values both the learner and his/her education. Every student is expected to:
1. Consider the school to be his/her work place and he/she should dress accordingly.
2. Dress appropriately in order to maintain the educational environment.
3. Refrain from wearing clothing that brings undue attention to the wearer or presents an image other than that of a student. All clothing must fit properly and be neither revealing nor overly baggy (crop tops or short shorts are not appropriate). Students who dress inappropriately will be sent home or asked to change into the clothing we have on hand in the Health Office.
4. Clothing should be clean, in good repair, and be without provocation, rude statements, or slogans/ads for tobacco, alcohol and drugs.
5. Hats or head coverings are to be worn outside only for sun protection or warmth.
6. Shoes should be worn that enable the student to participate in physical education and active play flip flops or platform shoes that cause injuries while running). Tennis shoes are the best choice.
How can I pay for my child's lunch?
Is there before or after school care on campus?
There is no before school care on campus. There are two after-school care programs on our campus.
Las Posas Children's Center - they are fee based and you must contact them directly for their enrollment process, fees and schedules. (805) 659-4115 www.lpcc.com
VUSD Expanded Learning Opportunity Program (ELOP) - The ELOP after school program, provides a safe, positive, and nurturing after school environment that enhances our students’ educational experiences, and increases their academic success so that they become healthy, confident and responsible members of our Ventura community. Students are provided many opportunities to experience success, including;
- Academic support to be successful during the regular school day
- Experiences that advance 21st-century learning skills in a variety of environments
- Participation in diverse enrichment including art, music, cooking, technology, and STEM/STEAM
- Leadership and social skills
- Daily structured physical activity, recreation, and/or sports
- Encouragement from caring adult staff
- Many opportunities to experience success
- Healthy snacks
According to the State guidelines, priority is given to children who are in foster care or experiencing homelessness, who are low-income, or who are considered English Learners.
District ELOP Personnel
Dr. Lorelle Dawes
805-641-5000 ext. 1025
Sonya Lopez Mercado
Assistant Director
805-641-5000 ext. 1035